jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Credit Cards

Credit Cards have avantatges and inconveniences. On the one hand  Credit Cards are positive because you can buy Things without having use cash, but sometimes people spend and spend and they don't worry about money.
Credit Cars are also positive because when you go to another country, you can buy with Credit Cars without changing money. So, to have a Credit card you can't be inmature. A lot of them are not responsible enough to have one.
I think that one Credit Card is positive but there are people who have a lot of Credit Cards and then it is difficult to control them. Moreover, a lot of people seem to forget, that when tey use credit cards to pay for fhings; they will have to pay for these things at the end of the month, Nowadays with the crisis, using credti cards can cause a lot of problems for people.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010


Fashion changes continually because the preferences of the people's changes over the years. For exemple before people wore very long stgraight trousers. Thet also wore short t-shirts. On the other hand nowadays people wear tight-fitting trousers and sometimes short trousers. Also nowadays they wear baggy clothes. But fashion does not always change because sometimes colurs go out of fashion but black and white is always fashionable.
When you go the shopping normally the shops adapt to the fashion, but usually there are people who don't change there fashion because they think that this fashion is the best. For exemple: The hippies and motorbikes. Clothes are very expressive, but sometimes you can find shops where clothes are very cheap because they are made on a big scale. Moreover, in some countries there are shops that sell second -hand clothes and these clothes are much cheaper


Internetis the most important technology nowadays, becasuse we can communicate with a lot of people around the would.
With internet we can look for information about a lot of subjects and help ourselives a lot.
On Internet we can find a lot of chats,where are can speak to a lot of people free, in different contries.
Nowadays everybody uses internet, the company has pages where they give informated about this company, So it is free advertising. But, also the people can have pages where they contact with friends, take photos, videos and a lot of writing.
I personal use the internet everday because I can speak with a lot of people that I can't often see. For exemple: my brother.
Also, I have a pages where I take videos photos and a lot of writings
For exemple. Facebook and fotolog.
Sometimes I listen to the music on an page internet that is called youtube. In youtube we can see pariculary videos and particulary video clips of music.