domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010


I hate sleeping with my socks on, they bother me so much, If there is any light inside the room, I can't sleep, I must have the doors and windows closed and my computer must be turned off.
I hate it when people agree with me instead of trying to understand me, I don't like it when people have some fixed ideas and nothing can make them change their minds.
I make sure several times that I have closed the door.
When I'm having a shower I graduate the water while I'm showering.
I'm always cracking my fingers.
After playing sport I bite the skin around my nails.
I always go onto the field last when I'm going to play a match.
I bite my nails when I'm nervous.
I wear my socks inside out.
I like to see things in pairs. If there are three cokes in the fridge I have to drink one.
When I have a lot of coins I make piles of ten of each coin.
I roll up my sleeves and roll them down again.
When I laught I scratch my body at the same time. 

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