martes, 8 de junio de 2010

Reflection of all year

During the course, we have done a lot of activities in English. Some of them we had done before and others were new.
I think I have improved since Semptember, especially when I was writing composition. Before I didn't use the conenectors and now I used them a lot more, Sometimes I looked up words on the translator I have also learnt to order the sentences correctly.
The activities that have best shown my level of English are the blogs and the listening, but most of all the blog, Because I looked for information. In general I think everything has een useful , but some more than others.
I enfaged the language class room, because I could watch films and I could listen to the listenings with a friend, which is more enjoyable.


Onu This presentation I made , but I will do my part on the valoration.In my presentation I used a power point with some images and with short sentences, and sometimes with words.I used resources relevant and photo focusing on the topic.The PowerPoint gave me a lot of support and helped me a lot.The timing in my presentation  was 4 minutes.This time I was very nervous, and I looked at my paper or at the power point, so I didn’t watch the audience very much. As in the power point, the important things were written.I sometimes gestured my hands. The ideas were in the order that I chose, because I spoke about a organization and information about the customs.I made the speech I without pausing. The information in my presentation in part I took from the internet.My presentation was about Onu, and the people who listened to me didn’t know the important things about this organization.I think that I used a correct grammar and a good vocabulary, my pronuntation was wrong, but in this presentation.I used a correct pronuntiation.I think that I will get a 5,5
