lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

The personality

Why people are what they are?
I think that people start to be what they are because of influences, the places where they live or the friends they have etc.
However I think that everybody can change his personality, if they won't to.
Firstly all childrien begin a have a personality, and these yeras are important for the future, murthermore during these years the mind is much " younger" and can have misteken ideas.
However everyperson is different and they see the world in different ways and , of course, they have different personalities.
I think that there are no two people with the same personality.
A lot of people have opposite personalitis and they don't get on together.
FInally I think that other people can think differently because they have different personalities.
In conclusion personality is influenced by a lot of causes like: the friends and studies etc. but, a mature person perhaps isn't influenced.
Everyperson is a world.

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