viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


The United nations is the biggest international organization at thie moment.

The United nations is an association the of global governments that cooperates in in issues like international rights, peace and international safety, the economic and social development, humanitary issues and the humen rights.


International events.

Every year ther is a meeting and when something is very important the General assembly can recommend an international conference to decide what action to take.

Control of weapons.

The United Nations wanted to control the weapons to make sure that there is the least diversion possible of human and economical resources in the world towards the weapons. The United nations has established several forums to run the disarmament matters

United Nations peacekeeping operations

The peacekeeping forces of the united nations are sent to several regions, ( which have recently finished a war) so that they can help to keep peace. As the Unit nations doesn’t have an independent army, the armies are supplied by different states, but taking part is optional. The authority to send or withdraw the peacekeeping forces is in the hands of the government who sends them.

The security concil usually establishes and defines the peacekeeping operations.

To establish a new mission 15 states have to vote in favour, however if China, Usa, Russia , France or United kingdom vote against, the proposal fails.

All the members have to pay the corresponding part for the activities of peacekeeping. The countries who send soldiers and equipment are repaid by the united nations.

Human Rights

The United Nations was created because of the worries about Human Rights, to stop things happening like in the second world war.

The letter of the United Nations makes all its members Respect human rights.

The United Nations is fundemental to keep and apply the principles of Human rights.

The United Nations backs up women and helps them take part in politics.

Humanitarian Help

The United Nations together with the red cross sends food ,water, refuge and other services wherever it is needed, moreover it is the biggest organization that helps other organizations like OnuSida Oms etc.

In December 2005, the General Assembly created the Cerf to improve the coordination of Humanitary Aid.

The Aims of the millenium development


1 Reduce extreme poverty and hunger

2 To achieve universal primary education

3 To try to have equality

4 To reduce childrens death

5 To improve maternal health

6 To combat illnessis as: aids, hepatitis etc.

7 To look after the environment

8 To create a word association for devolopment

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