sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

We haven't learnt respect the world

We haven't to respect the world because at this moment there are a lot of problems in the world, like the enviromental contamination and wars.
Moreover we haven't learnt to respec the people.  A lot of people have differents ways of seeing the world and perhaps they'll never respect the world.
Neverthess we think that this can e soved so, there are organizations like the Red Cross or te United Natios that wan to solve this problem.
Inspite of this , these oganizations are rn by very important countries in the world,so, they are everrun agnst them seleves.
On the one hand they are always helped by people if they have food, water medication etc.
As a resolt in the world there are a lot of injustices and people don't look after the world.
In conclusion I think that every body could do more to help toto conserve the world in which we live.

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