sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010


Higher education in spain

There are 51 public universities in spain and 21 private universities.Madrid has the most with 13 Barcelona has eight and Valencia four.
Spain's oldest university is salamanca founded in 1218. Catalunya's oldest university is the one in lleida, which was founded in 1925.
Entry to university is by a special two-day entrance exam.
The taking of 'gap years' is rare in spanish education culture and most undergraduates in spain study at the university nearest to their home.
Semesters are between september and may, with most exams taken in june.
Degree courses consist of three cycles. The first cycle is diplomatura, with a total of 180 credits required to gain the qualification.
The second cycle is the licenciatura. The third cycle is research-based.
Spain has four different types of university: escuelas universitarias; colegios universitarios;facultades and escuelas superiors.
Undergraduate university fees in spanish public universities are generally much lower than in the UK.
according to EL mundo newspaper the following are the top five in the country: 1-Politecnica de Madrid; 2 Complutense de Madrid; 3 Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; 4 Autonoma de Barcelona  5 Politecnica de Catalunya.
This article affects the people around me because most of them won't to go to university.
Personally I'm not sure if I want to you to university yet.
It is important to Know about public universities because the private universities are really expensive.
IN Conclusion IN my point of veiw I think that all universities should be public, so, that everybody has the chace to study what they want.

We haven't learnt respect the world

We haven't to respect the world because at this moment there are a lot of problems in the world, like the enviromental contamination and wars.
Moreover we haven't learnt to respec the people.  A lot of people have differents ways of seeing the world and perhaps they'll never respect the world.
Neverthess we think that this can e soved so, there are organizations like the Red Cross or te United Natios that wan to solve this problem.
Inspite of this , these oganizations are rn by very important countries in the world,so, they are everrun agnst them seleves.
On the one hand they are always helped by people if they have food, water medication etc.
As a resolt in the world there are a lot of injustices and people don't look after the world.
In conclusion I think that every body could do more to help toto conserve the world in which we live.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


The United nations is the biggest international organization at thie moment.

The United nations is an association the of global governments that cooperates in in issues like international rights, peace and international safety, the economic and social development, humanitary issues and the humen rights.


International events.

Every year ther is a meeting and when something is very important the General assembly can recommend an international conference to decide what action to take.

Control of weapons.

The United Nations wanted to control the weapons to make sure that there is the least diversion possible of human and economical resources in the world towards the weapons. The United nations has established several forums to run the disarmament matters

United Nations peacekeeping operations

The peacekeeping forces of the united nations are sent to several regions, ( which have recently finished a war) so that they can help to keep peace. As the Unit nations doesn’t have an independent army, the armies are supplied by different states, but taking part is optional. The authority to send or withdraw the peacekeeping forces is in the hands of the government who sends them.

The security concil usually establishes and defines the peacekeeping operations.

To establish a new mission 15 states have to vote in favour, however if China, Usa, Russia , France or United kingdom vote against, the proposal fails.

All the members have to pay the corresponding part for the activities of peacekeeping. The countries who send soldiers and equipment are repaid by the united nations.

Human Rights

The United Nations was created because of the worries about Human Rights, to stop things happening like in the second world war.

The letter of the United Nations makes all its members Respect human rights.

The United Nations is fundemental to keep and apply the principles of Human rights.

The United Nations backs up women and helps them take part in politics.

Humanitarian Help

The United Nations together with the red cross sends food ,water, refuge and other services wherever it is needed, moreover it is the biggest organization that helps other organizations like OnuSida Oms etc.

In December 2005, the General Assembly created the Cerf to improve the coordination of Humanitary Aid.

The Aims of the millenium development


1 Reduce extreme poverty and hunger

2 To achieve universal primary education

3 To try to have equality

4 To reduce childrens death

5 To improve maternal health

6 To combat illnessis as: aids, hepatitis etc.

7 To look after the environment

8 To create a word association for devolopment


The lord of the rings

This film is very exciting because there are a lot of adventures. In This film there are two boys who have to burn a ring but it is very difficult because other people want ring. At night is magic because when you put on the ring, you becoe obsessed.
First they get to place where they can burn the ring, after they have a lot of adventures and are nearly dies.
In my opinion it is my favourit film because in this film there are very good special effectsand in the film there are a lot of fights at the same time.
Furthermore this film shows you that anybody can be dangerous and even though you are little you can be brave. However strength is important.
In conclusion there are a lot of very beautiful places and a lot of things happier.

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010


In Catalonia children normally start school when they are 3 years old It is compulsory to go to school until you are 16 years old. After 16 you can study mare and go to university if you want.
However, there are a lot of people who wnat to study, but they can't because their parents can't afford it, on the other hand there are other people who  can studut they don't want to because they are just lazy . Moreover, there are people who really like studying and they study until they are 25 or older. As a result these people usually find a good job.
In conclusion I can say that if young people study they will have a good future and also they will have more culture and knowledge before leaving school.

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010


I hate sleeping with my socks on, they bother me so much, If there is any light inside the room, I can't sleep, I must have the doors and windows closed and my computer must be turned off.
I hate it when people agree with me instead of trying to understand me, I don't like it when people have some fixed ideas and nothing can make them change their minds.
I make sure several times that I have closed the door.
When I'm having a shower I graduate the water while I'm showering.
I'm always cracking my fingers.
After playing sport I bite the skin around my nails.
I always go onto the field last when I'm going to play a match.
I bite my nails when I'm nervous.
I wear my socks inside out.
I like to see things in pairs. If there are three cokes in the fridge I have to drink one.
When I have a lot of coins I make piles of ten of each coin.
I roll up my sleeves and roll them down again.
When I laught I scratch my body at the same time. 

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

An informal letter

16 crtr del botxi
25rd January 2010
Dear Juanka
Thanks for your letter. If you want to go to Castello D'empuries I can recomendit to you because you can visit different places like museums the cathedral etc. Moreover you can go to the beach to relax. Besides if you like different sports you can do: windsurfing, parachuting, harserinding sailing etc.
In the center of the village there is a medieval quarter neighbourhood area.
Where you can visit the beutiful cathedral and go to the medieval prison and teh flour nill.
You can get information about these activities in the tourist offici and you can also get information  about what to visit.
Furthermore, in figueres, which is 9 kilometres from Castello there is the famous Salvador Dali museum.
In the summer there are more tourists because the weather is good.
To sum up Castello D'empuries is a very good places, where of course you will have a fantastic holiday. Castello is the best places for a holiday.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010


This article is very important because it speaks about the life of pep Guardiola. Guardiola is the best trainer in the world at the moment , he won six titles in one year.
Guardiola started training Barcelona B in 2007, but the following year, he began training the first team in Barcelona.
It is important for me because I like football and I am always well informed about everything.
Moreover when I was a child I liked watching pep guardiola on tv and when he began to brain barcelona. I was very happy this article affects me because I like Real Madrid and I don't like barça to have a great trainer.
I would like Pep guardiola to be the trainer of the Real Madrid.
It affects me because every likes football and they always argue about this.

The personality

Why people are what they are?
I think that people start to be what they are because of influences, the places where they live or the friends they have etc.
However I think that everybody can change his personality, if they won't to.
Firstly all childrien begin a have a personality, and these yeras are important for the future, murthermore during these years the mind is much " younger" and can have misteken ideas.
However everyperson is different and they see the world in different ways and , of course, they have different personalities.
I think that there are no two people with the same personality.
A lot of people have opposite personalitis and they don't get on together.
FInally I think that other people can think differently because they have different personalities.
In conclusion personality is influenced by a lot of causes like: the friends and studies etc. but, a mature person perhaps isn't influenced.
Everyperson is a world.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Real Madrid- Fcb Barcelona

 A lot of people watched this match on TV and went to the stadium. Moreover a lot of people watched this watch even though they don't like football.
Perhaps it was the best match in the world because barça and Madrid, of course have the best players.
Nevertheless the champìons don't always win.
Nowadays 300.000.000 is spent between the two. Moreover this match was very important.
As a result this match wwas watched by 270000000 people in spain.
The final score was madrid 0  barça 2, but in this match anyone could have won.
When a team wins the people like to celebrate but often there are fights and people cause damage.
As a resolt at the football matches there is sometimes violence and the young people get a bad image.
So, we have to avoid this.